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We're Livewire. Data Collection and Analysis Specialists

We are a full-service data research and strategy partner working with the public sector, blue-chip companies, NGOs,  and startups to help them understand market dynamics and public sentiment.


Our tools use advanced data science and artificial intelligence to improve outcomes in the public and private sectors, generating actionable insights that inform policy and measurable benefits.


Property and Construction Market Analysis

Gain deep insights on construction, planning, and home movements in the UK

Customer Experience Insights

Holistic, predictive, precise customer experience insights that increase retention and new business conversion.

Public Sector Consultation Analysis

EPS Consult transforms how public sector organisations analyse and report on public consultations balancing human intelligence, automation and machine learning quickly and accurately, identifying and reporting thematic insights ready for senior briefings.

Population and Mortality Insights

Raft of specialist tools for the public sector, pension funds and financial institutions to cleanse databases, trace individuals, and ascertain their current living status.

Data First, High Impact, Reliable Insights.

Our comprehensive range of services is designed to identify and collate data, and we apply advanced machine learning and data science techniques to deliver helpful, actionable insights.


With over 25 years of industry experience and a proven track record of earning numerous accreditations, accolades, and awards, our expert team is fully equipped to help you tackle any data-related challenge.


Don't miss out on the opportunity to learn about the effective management and utilization of your data. Contact us today and discover how we can educate and empower you to make the most of your data.


Contact us today to learn how we can help educate and empower you regarding the effective management and utilisation of your data.

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